Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bee Line - Hemp Wick

Welcome back my friends. After my last blog post I began to search for a hot knife of hot peg instrument similar to the one that was used in the video. Overall it looked like a much healthier alternative to lighters. I smoke everyday out of my bong and my gram-a-day dosage has resulted in inhaling far too much butane. The butane from these lighters may be doing more damage than I can tell and I want to take precautions.

In Search of a healthier method to lighting my kush, one vendor suggested "Bee Line" as a More natural taste. It wasn't what I was looking for but it was a healthier alternative and much more organic. The process was very new to me but very easy to get use.

I simply cut off a 2 inch strand of the hemp wick line of string. The string is dipped in bee wax and provides a very subtle and slow burn. I lite the hemp line and use it just like a match. I could immediately taste the difference and I was very happy with my purchase. I am still going to look for a hot knife or some form of self heating apparatus. The idea is to be more healthy so it is a necessary element to smoking marijuana. I might shop later online and I would love to here you suggestions. Check out the "Bee Line"  at and burn one for me.

1 comment:

tim said...

i use the Bee Line too. love it

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