Sunday, January 16, 2011

Purple Queen

Walking out the door, I told myself... "Here we go again". I was literally praying for this new pharmacy to have some top shelf medicine. I was headed toward Corona, off to the 215 Victory Collective. Again It was another ad in the culture magazine that sold me. Victory's ad was advertsing a special for first time patients, "Buy an 1/8th and get 1/8th free". It sounded like a great deal, but after the garbage i got from the Magnolia Wellness Center, I had a feeling it was a deal to good to be true. Located off Magnolia and Pierce i was looking for a commercial building but to my surprise the pharmacy was located in the lone house resting next door to a very busy corperate plaza. It felt more comfortable here and I was anxious to see my options.

After registration we entered the pharmacy and I could tell instantly that i would be pain free tonite. The set up was simple, but professional with glass cases displaying my choices. They even had magnifying glasses so i could inspect the crystals. i talked a little jargon with the owner he informed is favorite current strain was the Brain Damage. It looked good, Smelled great, and i knew i was gonna get a batch just to review his recomendation but i seen the many varietie of  top quality and i had to choose a strain on my own. I have always had a thing for purple (Go Lakers) and i had found myself zoned in on this strain called "Purple Queen"

It was the only strain of purple in the display case. After looking , touching and smelling, I was sold. Excited about my new medicine I was anxious to get home and relax, pain free. Back on the 91 fwy headed home, I cracked open the jar of "Purple Queen" so i can get more familiar with the wonderful aroma. It instantly filled the car with Amnesia's favorite scent. Getting home I had to decide between the bong, the pipe, or Rolling Papers. I stopped smoking blunt a few years back after hearing Cypress Hill's B-REAL give his reasoning for quiting blunts, so that option is out, and I eventually went with my favorite bong and packed a heavy bowl.

Is was a dark-strong-danky taste, But overall its was very smooth. A vein in my head started to throb as i refused to exhale. My stash was covered in crystals. I'm talking COVERED in crystals and its seemed as if the strain has equally, the same amount of red hair as the crystals. The blend of purple leafs, red hairs, and light green, for some reason or another reminded me of my son's Joker toy.  As i exhaled, i re-realized the marvel of medical marijuana..... Instant Pain Relief. I told myself, "That's as real pharmacy" and again i pondered whether or not "Purple Queen" was the best strain i have ever encountered. This strain was an 11 on a scale of 5. Eventually by the end of my Medication supply I came to the peace with myself, accepting the fact that this may very well be better than any other smoke of my lifetime. It was heaven compared to the last batch. It was  then I couldn't help but wonder why there was such a drastic difference between quality of medicine. is there different quality in vicatin or penicillin ?

We have along way to go in the field of medicine. We the people must  fight to coordinate a healthy and effective system that ensure patients of all disorders and pain level can obtain the right medicine. I cannot help change the laws nor can i be the quality police, but the need for such persons or forums is just another reason to check in with my blog. Overall i have to say the "Purple Queen" is worth driving at least 60 miles for, so if your in the Inland Empire it is a must you go visit 215 Victory in Riverside, off Magnolia. Regardless of what you do do.. try to stay away from the Magnolia Wellness Center

1 comment:

Just a fan said...

Unfortunately the prices down south there can't match the SFV, and we have quality as well.
Good blog, thanks

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