Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Meet Amnesia Green

Greetings my fellow leaf lovers. They call me Amnesia Green and I was recently prescribed medical marijuana for a few of my medical conditions. I showed the doctor bullet wounds and sports injuries, then explained my migraines and insomnia. I am glad I found that doctor. This has been the best week I have had in a while.

This Blog was an idea I had to help educate myself and others about the laws, the science and pleasures of using Cannabis. I will Document my day to day use and share with you the strains, the locations, and pricing while evaluating the quality, the service, and the value of my local southern California industry.

If your not into green leafs this blog is most likely not for you, however after i get used to this Internet and blogging, I will begin to post music and other cool stuff. I am a local Deejay and club promoter too, so you never know what is going to end up on my blog. So check me out. tell a friends, drop your comments and pass the dutchie.


Glen X said...


i too am a firm believer in medical marijuana. I was seriously injured in '06 that required multiple back surgeries and countless injections. I now suffer w/ FBSS and other problems with my back and both SI joints. Here in Michigan MM was approved in '08 but LEO is still arresting legal patients and caregivers.Hopefully the day will come when cannabis is as socially acceptable as a cup of coffee.It works I'm living proof.


Kim West said...

Congrats on your site. I have formed The Southern Alliance For Medical Marijuana here in TN.
have a couple of hemp sites. look at

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