I am already very skeptical on edibles and extracts so it was a must to take my medicine on a full stomach. I smoke enough to get throat cancer so even though I'm skeptical I still feel the need to explore edibles and extracts in attempt to be more healthy.
Last week I stopped by The Closet on Elizabeth Street. The have a fairly good deal and the extract capsules are sold with 2 doses in the pack for only $5. I wanted to see a movie with a lady friend and I purchased the capsules to see if it would keep me in the right state of mind for the duration of the film. Well it didn't happen, the test never took place because the date never jumped off thanks to our schedules. I didn't really ask about the shelf life of these capsules so I fell compelled to try it or toss it in the trash.
Next time I get a massage I will surely be popping another Indica Capsule first. Just make sure you have a designated driver if you do the same. I'm sure the combination will have the body a little too relaxed to drive safely. It was really a good deal for $5 and if it wasn't for the after taste from the burps I would say there is nothing wrong with this product. I don't know who makes the product but After I learn more I will be sure to keep you all in formed.
Thanks for your time and attention, I hope everyone is blessed with the top shelf and good health. Be sure to check back with me again soon, I have some big announcements coming soon about the launch of my new radio station. I will be partnering with a friend @Krista_Jane_420 to give you a 420 friendly broadcast with music you will appreciate. So stay tuned and don't try lighting roaches on the flaming Bar-B-Que grills, I'm Just Saying! HAhaHA!
i was a little nervous too at first but I worked in the type of place whereI just cant smell. After I got used to it worked fine and I smoke on the weekends
I was farting weed smelling farts.
Endoproteinase Lys-C inactivates the enzyme inositol monophosphatase by cleaving it at a single site directly after Lys 36. plant extract
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