Saturday, July 28, 2012

Alright check it out. I just ate two homemade burritos with corn, black beans, green onion, tomato and the rest of the goodies. I waited about 15 minutes then popped one dose of the "new to me" Whole Plant Cannabis Extract Capsules.
I am already very skeptical on edibles and extracts so it was a must to take my medicine on a full stomach. I smoke enough to get throat cancer so even though I'm skeptical I still feel the need to explore edibles and extracts in attempt to be more healthy.
Last week I stopped by The Closet on Elizabeth Street. The have a fairly good deal and the extract capsules are sold with 2 doses in the pack for only $5. I wanted to see a movie with a lady friend and I purchased the capsules to see if it would keep me in the right state of mind for the duration of the film. Well it didn't happen, the test never took place because the date never jumped off thanks to our schedules. I didn't really ask about the shelf life of these capsules so I fell compelled to try it or toss it in the trash.

On Tuesday I took the first capsule after a nice Lasagna dinner and less than 40 minutes later I could feel the calm in my veins. It was nothing to my brain but I could really feel a calmness throughout out my body. So it depends on what your looking for. I think I got an Indica package and next time I will be looking for a more cerebral product. That is what I will need for my movie dates but the Indica Extract Capsules will be in my near future.
Next time I get a massage I will surely be popping another Indica Capsule first. Just make sure you have a designated driver if you do the same. I'm sure the combination will have the body a little too relaxed to drive safely. It was really a good deal for $5 and if it wasn't for the after taste from the burps I would say there is nothing wrong with this product. I don't know who makes the product but After I learn more I will be sure to keep you all in formed.
Thanks for your time and attention, I hope everyone is blessed with the top shelf and good health. Be sure to check back with me again soon, I have some big announcements coming soon about the launch of my new radio station. I will be partnering with a friend @Krista_Jane_420 to give you a 420 friendly broadcast with music you will appreciate. So stay tuned and don't try lighting roaches on the flaming Bar-B-Que grills, I'm Just Saying! HAhaHA!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Roll up or pack the bowl, this Battle Rap video is a must see. I don't care how much you puff on or how good that strain is. After the first few seconds of this rap battle your eyes and ears will be wide open.

Hollohan vs Cortez go head to head in the verbally violent feud in front of a hyped crowd. Co hosted by Raekwon you can see and feel the tension and lyrical art involved.

Check it out, drop you comments and make sure you visit the for more amazing hip hop battles .

Monday, March 26, 2012

I am still trying to figure out the internet but I do have a new music page on the music website You find my page at the url address and you can count on free downloads, cool beats and good music.

I am going to use the new music page and my Twitter Page to start creating awareness online about my music production skills. I get better everyday and I am really learning how to use the tools I have. I dont have a $20,000 studio but I do use Pro Tools which is industry standard and I know how to export my mix and master it at a high quality for the professional sound your looking for.

My Mbox is fully loaded and I have over 8 years of experience in music production. I have a very hig end microphone and I am fully capable of producing voice-overs, radio advertisments, album drops, sweepers and other audio files needed for your projects.

listen to my samples below and feel free to contact me anytime by email for all of your questions, ideas and possible proposal at

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Have you heard the good news yet? Well maybe you haven't But the news is coming out Philadelphia and it should give Hip Hop fans alot to be excited about. Can you say JU JU MOB?

The new album from the iconic emcee Chief Kamachi was recently released. The album, Rise and Rhyme - Vol. 1 is available everywhere but I recommend checking it out on his new web page so you can view the videos and more.

I'm Blazing that Soul Assassin and listening to it right now, it's mos def a classic project. With beats and rhymes like this you can definitely sense a fine line between Rap and Hip Hop. I found a Free Download, pasted the widget below and I think you will all like it. It's strong, It's powerful, It's Revolutionary. and I'm Chiefing with Chief Kamachi.

Complete Album Available on iTunes

1. 3rd Lecture (cuts by DJ White Shadow)
2. 90′s Flow (cuts by DJ White Shadow)
3. Chuck D (cuts by DJ White Shadow)
4. Return Of The 7
5. Get Righteous Or Die Tryin
6. Patriot Gamez (feat. Killah Priest, Vendetta Kingz, Columbo Black & Contra Psalmz)
7. Rise and Rhyme
8. RapWhore (Part 1)
9. Barefoot Assasins (feat. Vendetta Kingz, cuts by DJ White Shadow)
10. Bulletproof Auras
11. Soul Soldier
12. Hood Symphony
13. City Blocks
14. Saviour Of Ages (feat. G8ABAK & Vendetta Kingz)
15. The Gypsy
16. Swift Angels (feat. Merc Versus)
17. Last Night In Babylon

Saturday, March 10, 2012

As big fan of B-real and Cypress Hill it was no brain er when the cutie at THE CLOSET said they have a strain called Soul Assassin. I was all over it and I am so glad they had it in stock. The Jar was almost empty and I know why.

This strain is real stinky and it doesn't bling with THC crystals but it is truly the product of a professional green thumb. When you need to relax this is your medicine. It is a real anxiety killer. I am having a rough week but this sure does help. My only downfall is not having a hottie to share it with. So if your a 420 Hottie follow me on Twitter @Amnesia_Green or send me an email to and we can chill out sometime our your favorite restaurant.

One thing is for sure I will be visiting the Closet more often. They have a new location so I thought is was a new place. It was like a brand new shop. They had like 20 jars and it would have been hard to choose if I didn't hear the name Soul Assassin. Check out the picture of THE CLOSET below.

Don't forget to puff pass my friends. Don't be greedy with your weedies. Until next time, keep burning the good stuff.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Welcome back my friends. After my last blog post I began to search for a hot knife of hot peg instrument similar to the one that was used in the video. Overall it looked like a much healthier alternative to lighters. I smoke everyday out of my bong and my gram-a-day dosage has resulted in inhaling far too much butane. The butane from these lighters may be doing more damage than I can tell and I want to take precautions.

In Search of a healthier method to lighting my kush, one vendor suggested "Bee Line" as a More natural taste. It wasn't what I was looking for but it was a healthier alternative and much more organic. The process was very new to me but very easy to get use.

I simply cut off a 2 inch strand of the hemp wick line of string. The string is dipped in bee wax and provides a very subtle and slow burn. I lite the hemp line and use it just like a match. I could immediately taste the difference and I was very happy with my purchase. I am still going to look for a hot knife or some form of self heating apparatus. The idea is to be more healthy so it is a necessary element to smoking marijuana. I might shop later online and I would love to here you suggestions. Check out the "Bee Line"  at and burn one for me.

Monday, February 13, 2012

It was time for my daily Wake and Bake this morning when I found this cool video below. I just did a random search and found the Youtube Channel for Nugporn TV.

It looks like Nugporn could be sponsored by WeedMaps or maybe they are just friends. Regardless, it appears that this video channel will be very informative for Patients and Potheads.

Check the video below, subscribe like I did and drop your comments.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

She is a hottie and I love her voice. I got a ring in my pocket for the day I bond with a woman like this. She is sexy, talented and succesful. In all likelyhood she is far out of my league but atleast I have her voice in my ear while I'm stroking this mary jane.

Blaze one up and get familiar with Tenaj, the lovely Los Angeles talent. She has a a Twitter Page and you can follow her @wwwTENAJus. Tenaj also has a music page on Reverb Nation where you can find free downloads and more.

Preview her music in the widget below and drop your comments or feedback. Having a smoking night my friends. (__________()~~~
