Thursday, February 23, 2012

Welcome back my friends. After my last blog post I began to search for a hot knife of hot peg instrument similar to the one that was used in the video. Overall it looked like a much healthier alternative to lighters. I smoke everyday out of my bong and my gram-a-day dosage has resulted in inhaling far too much butane. The butane from these lighters may be doing more damage than I can tell and I want to take precautions.

In Search of a healthier method to lighting my kush, one vendor suggested "Bee Line" as a More natural taste. It wasn't what I was looking for but it was a healthier alternative and much more organic. The process was very new to me but very easy to get use.

I simply cut off a 2 inch strand of the hemp wick line of string. The string is dipped in bee wax and provides a very subtle and slow burn. I lite the hemp line and use it just like a match. I could immediately taste the difference and I was very happy with my purchase. I am still going to look for a hot knife or some form of self heating apparatus. The idea is to be more healthy so it is a necessary element to smoking marijuana. I might shop later online and I would love to here you suggestions. Check out the "Bee Line"  at and burn one for me.

Monday, February 13, 2012

It was time for my daily Wake and Bake this morning when I found this cool video below. I just did a random search and found the Youtube Channel for Nugporn TV.

It looks like Nugporn could be sponsored by WeedMaps or maybe they are just friends. Regardless, it appears that this video channel will be very informative for Patients and Potheads.

Check the video below, subscribe like I did and drop your comments.