Thursday, July 14, 2011

Green Ribbon Has A Rewards Program

For those of you that follow closely enough you may remember my article "Reviewing Green Ribbon" written back in February. For the month I ended up being a short term regular at Green Ribbon. they were great but eventually I found a suitable Co-Op much closer to home.

My usual Co-Op doesn't accept debit or credit and today I found myself cash less and in need of using my PayPal debit card. As truth be told Green Ribbon was the closest that actually had a working machine. A few pharmacies accepted but both said machines were down. So ironically I ended up back Green Ribbon.

Not only did they take care of my medication but I noticed their advertisement for a new rewards program. I could believe it. I am proud of my city. Riverside is really breaking ground with our normalization of medical marijuana. The Green Ribbon Co-Op is a primary example. With any medication the prices are just too much for the average citizen and the reward program now offered is sure to help many of us. Here below is a list of just a few of the rewards now offered at Green Ribbon.

Prize --- Patient Points

Pre-Roll = 100 pts
Edible = 250 pts
1 Eighth = 500 pts
Bong = 5,000 pts
Playstation 3 = 7,500

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