Sunday, May 22, 2011

As the boom of Medical Marijuana continues the popularity of medical edibles and beverages grows with it. Although many of my friends and peers rant and rave about the new products available, I on the other hand am personally very cautious and skeptical about edibles. We all know that direct is indigestion is the only way to overdose and I guess I am a little paranoid about it myself. I guess I have a hard time feeling comfortable about it when I don't know who prepared it and how safe their recipe or staff may be. In all I think the same can be said for buying food in drive-thru. So I decided to buy an edible from the pharmacy I trust the most... Fuzzy Gardens.

I had tried some cookies before so this time I wanted to try something different. I was hoping this time around it would hit me stronger so I went with a 5$ bag of beef jerky hoping the oils were more effective. The product is called Budd Buzzard Beef Jerky and it came in a small bag with a half ounce of jerky. The half ounce consisted of about 4 and 1/2 small sticks of greasy beefy. The taste really normal. When I buy beef jerky i like the spicy kind but this tasted practically the same as a regular stick of non-spicy jerky. Being as paranoid as I am, I only had a stick and a half to evaluate the first serving and I am sure glad I did. It worked. Total relaxation.

It really worked. the taste and the strength went very well went my body. Not to mention it was just 5$ and I still have 2 servings left. Yes I am a light weight so it may affect you bigger people a little less but for a 165 pounder it was just right for me. You gotta check it out if you into edibles. It gets my vote.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I know what your thinking but his is a must see TV. Its not my usual blog post but again its must see TV. Not only is it important current events but this video below will have you crying out of laughter. Many of you have seen and loved the Comedy Central Celebrity Roast. Well this is the real life political version.

Recently Barack Obama has been under scrutiny about his birth certificate. Donald Trump has been leading a very controversial political confrontation. Calling the President a liar is one thing. Calling him am illegal alien is a whole new ball park.

I personally think money and race still has alot to do with this but the truth is I don't care if Obama was born of America or not. When he first got his nomination i cringed at the fact that we could have a him for president. Not because of his skin color. I was more nervous of his foreign name and any possible links to terrorism. Almost four years later I have a completely different outlook. I have read and researched some of the changes Barack Obama has tried to make. Mix that with the changes he has made and I would say he is doing a pretty good job. Its not east fixing what we took over a century to destroy. Our government is not perfect and neither is any one man. So why is Donald trump really pointing fingers? I don't know but lets just say Barack Obama is not suppose to legally be our president. That does not mean he isn't the best president we have had in the past 40 years.

Regardless of your political views you have to acknowledge the difference between good people and bad. We must distant ourselves from those that take and surround ourselves around givers. Donald Trump is a taker and I personally would never vote for him to be president. Its common sense to acknowledge that the man doesn't treat humans equally. We all know he is looking down at the average man. Least in Obama we have someone that tries. Its great to see him stand up for himself in a manner very similar to what an average man would do. I am glad he responded this way and its made even better that it was at such a heavily attended public event. I think it was Classy but do think many voters may think otherwise. Either way .. Barack Obama stands as a man confronting his accuser and destroying his future. Bravo!